Contact Justine Mara Andersen at:

51 responses »

  1. I just discovered that Jeff Lynne – one of my favorite singer/songwriter/producer types – worked with all the surviving Beatles on “Free as a Bird” as well as on various solo projects. Had no idea he’d ever done anything with McCartney as a solo artist. What do you think of the songs they did?

  2. Where is the chewable Kraig teacher???
    Nice to see you are keepin’ on keepin’ on…
    glad you are healthy and happy, miss chillin’
    and eating Mexican food with ya homegirl!!!!

  3. Yeah ! A blog by a white Hindu! I’ve been looking for something like your blog and the post by Western Hindu from the UK showed me the way to this. Sign me up!

  4. frequent nightly barefoot golf course quests are your lasting legacy to LarryP awareness…
    for all that has been ~ thanks!
    to all that shall be ~ YES!

  5. I’ve been barefoot many years, have always loved it, I’m glad you enjoy it and hope many more will do so as prejudice recedes. Bless you happy

    • Oooh… Australia… I’ve heard they’re less uptight there than here in the (ahem) “land of the free and home of the brave.” Is it so that your personal liberties are respected and you are left alone to go barefoot as you please?

  6. I like your website Justine. You are one cool woman. By the way I like being barefoot too. I have been going barefoot 75% of the time during my teenage years. I am working towards being barefoot full time except when I’m at work. What advice do you have to get over the shyness of being barefoot 24/7?

    • I had to survive cancer and a near drowning incident in Thailand before I figured that out. In other words, only then did I understand what was important to me. My advice: figure that out without having to survive cancer.

  7. I just wanted to say reading your words was very freeing and liberating to me,I think like lots of people I’m scared of freedom ,but I want it too,what a wonderful site,love and light to you beautiful barefoot lady

  8. Hi justine😊 You are The best i would To know You. You’re Very beautiful And yours feet are amazing. Can i see The soles of yours feet??😆

  9. It’s almost three in the morning. I never stay up this late. It took me a while to read your whole website. I see your accomplishments and celebrate them. I love your courage and perseverance. Makes me re-examine my life. I wish you continued success.
    Donna Webb

  10. Hi Justine,

    I’ve been following yoir website for a while now and I came across your drawing of the Panic Attack and felt I needed to get in touch.

    Please take it from me, you’re not a figment of your imagination. You only feel like that because you’ve finally had the courage to let go. Going barefoot 24/7 is something I will only ever be able to dream of, probably for all the reasons that make you feel like you did when you drew that picture. No, you are not a figment of your imagination, you are how you’ve always imagined you would be one day. But you have made it a reality. You’ve realised your dream and you should be very proud of yourself. I am in total awe of you. I mean that from the very bottom of my heart. You get to live on a daily basis without ever having to wear shoes.

    I am lucky enough to have met a woman who understands my need to be barefoot from time to time. My wife has no issue with me walking the streets barefoot by myself although she would never accompany me like that. And I can’t be mad at her for it. She thinks like the majority of people do. And when I do go out, even in my barefoot sandals, I always wear something of a disguise be it a hat and sunglasses. I live in a nice appartment on the beachfront of a small seaside town in England so people’s reactions can differ greatly. Some people say hello when they otherwise would not, some people pretend I’m not there out of awkwardness and some pull a face like I’ve just been let out of prison for rape. But they all stare at my feet. At some point when they’re walking towards me they all look me up and down and the gaze holds for that second too long at my feet before they decide how to react. And I always, ALWAYS think “Is this the time when I have to defend myself verbally?”. I’m sure you’ve had to defend yourself countless times in 4 years so I probably sound like a total wimp.

    I didn’t go out barefoot as much this year as last year, but last year I went bare foot a lot, in the woods,around the streets. I managed a 5 mile walk over really horrible old broken pavement twice a week last summer. The woods felt like carpet in comparison. Speaking of the woods, I’d always get a little sketched out being barefoot without shoes (I never carry a pair on me out of principle) but I came across this quarry and saw a tent set up. Sure enough over the following weeks it turned out the was someone living in this tent until one day I was overlooking it checking my phone when I heard something and it was this guy. He clocked me and after 20 minutes of hiding from me he darted up the footpath headed in my direction. I decided I didn’t wanna find out if he was friendly or not so I ran. For about 5 minutes. With ease. Landing on the balls of course but no injuries whatsoever and no way of checking what I ws running on. I was amazed.

    Anyway, enough about me, sorry. The fact is, I have far too much fear left inside me to let go completely as you have even though it’s something I think about every single day, like my marriage, my job, what the locals will think etc. I know it’s all excuses, you’ve proved that to be true and the urge pecks at my head everyday like a woodpecker constantly.

    Maybe one day, I’ll figure out a way. Tell me, how did it feel when you threw away your footwear? Was it liberating but shit scary at the same time?

    I also have a foot tattooed on my arm, which I always have on show when walking barefoot. Living on a beach, I never want to be mistaken for someone who’s just barefoot because they’re on a beach.

    It represents my foot fetish, which is another thing that worries me about being barefoot. Is it a form of nudism? Technically no as far as the outside world is concerned and I certainly don’t get visibly aroused by it, but I do get a warm fuzzy feeling when I do. Even at 39.And yes, my perfect woman would be a 24/7 barefooter.

    Anyway, I just wanted to assure you that you are living the dream. I’m sure that deep down you know that. But if you ever have any doubts – feel free to get in contact. For if you ever think you made a mistake, I can give you 100 reasons why you haven’t. You must be soo proud of yourself. I think you’re perfect.

    Warmest regards,


    • Hey, Anthony, thanks for the lengthy comment.

      Firstly, regarding the fear of “nudism,” honestly, at best, that’s how it should feel! Exciting, invigorating, delightful… and yes, sensual. And if it is arousing, which it sometimes is, great! I wish I felt that freshness and arousal at every moment, and I treasure it when it comes.

      For me, I recall the very day I stopped wearing shoes for good (about 7 years ago). I didn’t know that was “IT,” I just knew how good it felt, how ecstatic I felt to peel the damn things off. What I didn’t know was that moment was THE moment. I soon realized that I simply didn’t need to go back. Oddly, my life has actually gotten better and better since I started living authentically, so there is no longer any doubt in my mind. I am somewhat superstitious about it now, as in, were I to begin making concessions and start conforming… then what? It’s a slippery slope. As I am happier and more successful now (as in… I have a really cool job and lifestyle), why would I ever return to wearing shoes.

      Yes, when I first started this path of hardcore barefoot living, I worried about injuries and stuff, but I’ve found a supportive doctor, job, and so forth. I never get flus or colds anymore, and last year when I had to have surgery on my face, my surgeon and all the nurses where stunned at my accelerated healing.

      On the day I burned my last pair of shoes, I was so settled into the lifestyle that the act of burning them was not scary, but a celebratory liberation.

      And… thanks for the encouragement.

  11. You are so beautiful. I knew you years ago when we were both different people, and you changed my life without realizing. I hope you’re as happy as you look on your pictures, you deserve it.

    • My goodness, Natalie, what a lovely thing to read. If you are inclined to fill me in on who you were and how I changed your life (I would obviously love to know)… please send an email to barefoot (dot) justine (at) gmail (dot) com. I am much much happier than ever I have been!

  12. You are amazing! I wish I could go barefoot always. Seems like you also love having fun and open for anything. Ever jam in Rockford Illinois love to meet you for dinner.

  13. Your Mara books seem to go for big money. Fantagraphics should collect them into an Omnibus edition to make them available again

  14. Hi Justine. Just wanted to say I think it’s wonderful that you go barefoot. Theirs nothing more sexy than a woman barefoot. Your are truly beautiful and you have very pretty feet…

    • Yeah, I don’t really tend to that personally, but my email is under “contact” though even then, I hesitate to give out my addy., so while I would sign for you, how do I feel about giving out my address? Sometimes I go for it.

  15. Justine, I miss you! I still have “Kraig Teacher” Pez dispenser….peace and love my friend!!!

    Sarah read Spider Baby was one of your favorite movies just now, we watched it a while ago … it is sweeet.

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